1. Check Google Search Console for Issues
If you haven’t set up Google search console then this whole post is going to be a waste. Take the time to go set it up.
If you have set up search console you should get regular emails sent to you from Google outlining any possible indexing issues. This is google telling you exactly what to do, so listen to them and do it.
That means all actually going through and writing all Titles, Meta Titles, Meta Descriptions etc…
Once you’re done with that, let’s focus on the good stuff. Actually ranking your site.
2. Do Some Keyword Research
Take some time to look at your site and think of what type of products you sell. Keywords are usually very easy to think of. I am going to use Amy Sport as an example.
If you asked anyone that works at Amy Sport they’d say they sell “Petite Sports Clothes for Women”

Looking at their website you can see their main sections are “Petite Golf” and “Petite Tennis”
Now think, do you think many women are searching for petite golf clothes? I’ll fill you in, not really. Roughly 250 a month. So while it may seem like a great idea to rank for “Petite Gold Clothes” there isn’t a ton of demand for it.
Where there is demand is in a slightly more broad term, like “Womens Golf Clothes” or “Golf Dress”
I took the time to find keywords and their monthly search volumes.

Looking at this shows it will be much more profitable to put effort into ranking for “Womens Golf Clothes”
3. Optimize Your Collection Page
Google likes ranking collection pages a lot more than product pages. It’s easy to understand why, if someone is searching for “Womens Golf Clothes” they don’t want to find 1 outfit, they want to browse a bunch of outfits. Google knows this and so it will rank a collection with Womens Golf Clothes way faster than a single product.Knowing this means we should focus on collection pages to capture the traffic.
Optimize your collection page’s H1, Meta Title, and Meta Description
What I mean by optimizing them is rewriting them, but this time including the keywords you want to rank the page for. Using Amy Sport I would add “Golf Clothes for Women” in all of them. I would also add Golf Outfit Women” etc. Make sure to make it perfect english and don’t make it look like your keyword stuffing.
Add Content to the Collection Page
This content should be shown at the bottom of your collection page. After the products. In this section, you are going to want to include 500+ words. Focus on bottom-funnel content. Answering questions women have when they are searching for Golf Outfits.
The questions you are answering need to all have keywords in them. Go through a VERY long list of all longtail keywords women would use to search for golf clothes. This is going to set this page up to start capturing a ton of traffic, not only the couple keywords we are focusing on.
3. Create Relevant Blog Content
Blogs are incredibly powerful for SEO. Google uses your site’s blog to really understand who you are solving problems for.
We are going to use your blogs to confirm with Google where we want users to go.
Create blog content that would make sense for people searching for your target keywords. For Amy Sport we are going to be focusing on the difficulties of sizing women’s gold clothes.
In this blog we will provide information that is ACTUALLY helpful to its readers. We are also going to be using these blogs to provide internal links to the collection page we are optimizing.
Internal links help show google the structure of your site, and provide a chance to rank for a ton of extra keywords.
4. Build Backlinks
Backlinks are what give your site “juice”. Without backlinks getting Google to rank your site is very hard, especially if you’re in a niche with any competition.
Go build some links to your collection page, AND to the blogs you are using for internal links. Building backlinks is what will skyrocket your organic traffic.
When it comes to links, quality is much better than quantity.
5. Give It Some Time
SEO results take time. The good news is once you start getting traffic, if you keep building links and updating your ite as necessary it usually stays consistent and only brings in more visitors.
6. Invest in an SEO Agency
Keeping SEO in house can work for some brands, but most brands that want Google to bring consistent and reliable traffic should look into working with an SEO Agency.
An agency is going to have the expertise to do everything right, and will likely save you a huge amount of time and make you a lot more money.
If you don’t have the money for an agency please take the time to follow the steps I listed above, optimizing collection pages can really drive a ton of traffic.