The Importance of Collection Pages in Ecommerce SEO SUCCESS

Ranking collection pages is incredibly important if you want SEO to be a profitable marketing channel for your store.

Many ecommerce store owners focus on product pages which simply don’t convert very high with organic traffic.

Think about it.

In the age of Amazon, buyers want options.

They don’t want to land on a page with 1 option when they search for athletic socks.

Here’s why:

A 30 year old man searches Google for athletic socks because he wants better socks for when he runs around his nieghborhood.

After searching he lands on a product page for pink athletic socks.

He doesn’t like the style. 

What does he do?

He clicks the back button and looks somewhere else.


When he landed on the pink socks, he didn’t know if you sold other socks, or if they were all womens socks. It’s easier he go look somewhere else.

Buyers want to land on pages with options

If he landed on a collection page with 8 different colors of athletic socks, his conversion % increases dramatically.

Collection pages on your website give visitors that option.

Okay so now you understand why ranking collection pages is important.

Now it’s time to inform Google we want people to land on our collection page.

The only way to let google know that we want to rank a collection page is to fully optimize the collection page and start building links towards it.

Collection Page SEO Checklist

Optimizing your collection page:

  • URL – The collection page URL should include your target keyword.
  • H1 – The H1 of your collection page needs to include your target keyword.
  • H2 – You need to include your target keyword in an H2.
  • Content – You should aim to create about 500 words of content in your description collection.
    • Focus on bottom of funnel content.

After you’ve optimized your collection page:

  • Add the collection to your main menu if applicable.
    • If not applicable, you need to make sure you are internally linking towards it.
  • Write supporting blogs answering common questions about the products in your collection.
  • Internally link from the blog posts to the collection page.
  • Start building backlinks.
    • Backlinks should be built towards the collection page & the blog pages.